Our Story

WOLF~PACK 1221 APPAREL comes from a lot of meaning, respect, and love. 1221 in Numerology and in other Numeric philosophies and myths means Angel, Arch Angel, Guardian Angel. So we are literally the protectors of the pack and we are there for each other accordingly.  
My group of close and lifelong friends and family and I formed the WOLF~PACK fresh out of high school we all had big ideals and dreams and with years of fun and past adventures we wanted our group to stay true to each other and remain friends while supporting each other and continuing our adventures into the future. We are all about love, respect, loyalty, and having each others backs. We're not perfect but we're a family that stays true no matter the hardships.

I went into Pro Wrestling and while doing this I created my first wrestling shirt design and started selling them at my Indy shows. At this time I also made the first design of the original WOLF~PACK T-Shirt. We used to all wear them and go to clubs where we would all get on the dance floor together and chant wolfpack, Wolfpack, WOLF~PACK...to the point where other people there would get nervous thinking we were going to turn into Were-Wolves and attack them (this is true) haha. Many of the people at my wrestling events saw me wear the WOLF~PACK shirts and they wanted to buy them, so I sold them as well. It had a following of sorts but I was wrestling and not thinking of making and selling clothes at that time.
Last year hanging out with several WOLF~PACK members we realized it has been 25 years and how some of us our not here anymore and the day later I thought what will happen in 25 years from now. So my initial thought was to do an awesome revamped version of the WOLF~PACK T-Shirt and give it to the members of our group. That took a big turn when showing some my sketches for it and they said I should Copyright/Trademark my stuff because this stuff is really good. So while looking into that I thought I have so many ideas for stuff and designs maybe I should start a clothing brand...and here we are.
We are going to have so much more than wolves but that is a big theme of course. As with you our potential and hopefully continued customers we want you to love the clothes and artwork but also bring our WOLF~PACK mentality into your own group of friends and family. Create and keep those special bonds with those that mean the most to you. Thank you for your support and when you are WOLF~PACK you're WOLF~PACK for life!